Redefining Website Challenges

struggling building website

DIY Platforms Falling Short?

Budget Constraints?

Struggling to Stand Out?

Are you frustrated with the limitations of DIY website platforms? These one-size-fits-all solutions promise simplicity but often fall short when it comes to meeting the unique needs of your business. While DIY platforms offer convenience, they come with significant drawbacks that can hinder your online success.

Cons of DIY Platforms

Lack of Customization

DIY platforms offer limited customization options, forcing your website to conform to pre-designed templates that may not align with your brand identity or vision.

Limited Functionality

Pre-built features may not fully meet your business requirements, leaving you with a website that lacks essential functionalities crucial for engaging visitors and driving conversions.

Generic Design

Your website runs the risk of looking generic and indistinguishable from countless others, making it challenging to stand out in a crowded online marketplace.

SEO Limitations

DIY platforms often provide limited control over search engine optimization (SEO) elements, hindering your ability to optimize your site for better visibility and ranking on search engine results pages.

Poor User Experience

Without expert guidance, DIY websites may suffer from usability issues, resulting in a subpar user experience that drives potential customers away rather than converting them into leads or sales.

Lack of Responsiveness

Even with DIY platforms offering mobile customization options, most unexperienced fail to effectively optimize their websites for mobile devices. 

responsive website vs non-responsive website

And the Worst of all...

The Time Crunch

As a business owner, time is your most precious resource. Do you really have hours to spare trying to figure out the basics of website design? Every moment spent grappling with website woes is a moment diverted from growing your business.


understanding your web design bill

Easy to criticize all that, right? But speaking about money, not everybody has the budget to pay hundreds or even thousands for a new website, especially if you’re just starting your business.

Escape the Budget Trap

Reclaiming Control Over Your Website Expenses

Aren’t you tired of feeling nickel-and-dimed for website services you neither comprehend nor require? 

DIY platforms and traditional web design services often inundate you with a laundry list of options, leaving your wallet lighter and your website cluttered with unnecessary bells and whistles.

Did you even know you're probably being charged for features you don't need?

It’s time to break free from this cycle of overspending and embrace a solution designed to your specific needs.

Building a professional website shouldn't break the bank.

However, the age-old adage ‘you get what you pay for’ often rings true in the world of web design. Many budget-friendly options sacrifice quality, leaving you with a basic, uninspired site that fails to capture your brand’s essence.

These cookie-cutter websites lack personality and fail to make a lasting impression on your visitors.

In today’s digital age, your website serves as your virtual storefront, your primary means of making a first impression. A poorly designed or nonexistent website not only fails to capture attention but also undermines your credibility and trustworthiness. Your website is your presentation card to the world, and a subpar one can cost you valuable opportunities.

customized web design

With just 2-3 seconds to captivate your audience, every moment counts. Research by the Neilson Normal Group confirms that you have a mere 7 to 10 seconds to retain extended attention. Make every moment count by leveraging a website that not only catches the eye but also resonates with your target audience.

overwhelmed with work no time to build a website

The longer your website remains uninspired and ineffective, the more frustrated you become. But where do you turn for help? How can you find a solution that aligns with your unique vision and budget? The uncertainty and indecision can feel paralyzing, holding you back from taking the necessary steps to elevate your online presence

Ok, that was a lot of complaining. Now what?

We are a small business, just like you, and because of that, we LOVE helping other small businesses succeed online. So here’s what we offer:

Let's find that out:

It’s clear already that at BLC Web Studios, we don’t believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. Instead of offering rigid packages, we’re here to tailor our services to fit your unique needs and budget.

Simply fill out the contact form below, and let us know about your vision, goals, and budget. 

Once you fill out our contact form, you’ll receive a personalized quote and proposal just for you. No hidden fees or surprises—just transparent pricing.

Plus, rest assured that all our websites, even the most basic ones, come with essential SEO and mobile optimization included. Unlike other providers who tack on extra charges for these crucial features, we believe in delivering comprehensive solutions from the start.

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Kick-Starter Package

Suitable for businesses or individuals who need a simple and basic website to showcase their services or products. The package includes:

  • Template based website: We will provide you with a website design template to choose from, which we will customize with your branding and content to create a unique website that fits your business needs.

  • Up to 5 pages*: You can have up to 5 pages on your website, including a home page, about us page, services/products page, contact page, and any other page you may need.

  • Stock photos: We will provide you with a selection of high-quality stock photos to choose from, which we will use to enhance the design and visual appeal of your website.

  • Mailing list: We will set up a mailing list integration on your website, allowing you to collect and manage email addresses from your visitors and customers.

  • Contact form: We will create a customized contact form that allows visitors to send you messages directly from your website, helping to improve communication and increase leads.

  • Social media integration: We will integrate your social media profiles into your website, allowing visitors to easily connect with you on their preferred platforms.

  • Responsive design: Your website will be designed to be responsive, meaning it will automatically adjust to fit the screen size of any device your visitors are using, whether it be a desktop computer, tablet, or smartphone.

  • Basic SEO: We will implement basic search engine optimization techniques on your website, including optimizing page titles and meta descriptions, incorporating relevant keywords throughout the website, creating quality content, and ensuring the website has a clear structure and navigation.

  • Google Maps: We will integrate Google Maps into your website, allowing visitors to easily find your physical location and get directions.

  • Up to 2 revisions: We offer up to 2 rounds of revisions during the design and development process, allowing you to provide feedback and make changes to ensure your website meets your expectations.

  • Training guide: We will provide you with a training guide that will help you navigate and update your website once it is live, giving you more control over your online presence.

Overall, our kickstarter pack provides you with a cost-effective solution to get your business online quickly and professionally. Our team of experts will work closely with you to ensure that your website meets your needs and reflects your brand, while our training guide will give you the tools you need to take control of your online presence.

The Basic Package can be priced at around $500 to $1,500, depending on the features and customization required.

* We are happy to offer additional pages for your website at a cost of $60 per page. This allows you to expand your website beyond the initial 5 pages included in our kickstarter pack and add more content to better showcase your business.